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Alternative Exercises
1. Pick a pair of Dumbbells and sit comfortably on a military bench or a utility gym chair with back support and no head rest. Hold both Dumbbells in a neutral grip with the palms of your hands facing inwards, and with your arms fully extended hanging down at your sides. Place your feet firm on the ground at about hips width apart. This will be your starting position. 2. While maintaining a straight & upright torso, use your side shoulder muscles of your right arm to lift the weight in your right hand all the way up to your side while keeping a slight bent at the elbow, and with the palm of your hand still facing inwards. Continue to go up until your arm is parallel to the floor. Tip : Make sure your torso stays stationary, and do NOT swing the weight while performing this exercise. 3. Slowly bring the weight back down to it’s starting position, while keeping your arm on the same side axis you’ve used when lifting up the weight, and while keeping the side region of your shoulder muscles fully engaged. 4. Repeat this motion for the recommended amount of repetitions. 5. Perform the same exact motion for the same amount of repetitions with your other arm. CAUTION : NEVER use a heavy set pair of dumbbells when performing this exercise to avoid getting any shoulders and/or neck injury. A proper weighted set of dumbbells that are not too heavy should have you mostly engage the side region of your shoulders muscles -as it should- without straining your neck or putting your shoulders at risk for injury. Pick a lighter set of dumbbells if you ever felt that you’re over straining your shoulders and/or are tempted to swing the weight up. This exercise is not meant to be done with heavy weights, so rather focus on executing a perfect form than focusing on lifting heavy weights. It is normal for you to feel a slight burn in your forearms due to the effort being done to keep holding onto the weights the entire time while performing this exercise.