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Single Arm Cable Curls
Single Arm Rope Cable Curls
Single Arm High Cable Curls
Single Arm Reverse Cable Curls
Rope Cable Curls
Straight Bar Cable Curls
EZ Cable Curls (Wide Grip)
EZ Cable Curls (Narrow Grip)
Double Cable Curls
Reverse Double Cable Curls
High Double Cable Curls
Straight Bar High Cable Curls
Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Curls
Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Curls
Seated Single Arm Hammer Curls
Standing Single Arm Hammer Curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Standing Dumbbell Curls
Seated Hammer Curls
Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls
Incline Bench Hammer Curls
Standing Barbell Curls
EZ Barbell Curls (Wide Grip)
EZ Barbell Curls (Narrow Grip)
Single Arm DB Preacher Curls
Single Arm Hammer Preacher Curls
Concentration Curls
Concentration Hammer Curls
Machine Preacher Curls
Single Arm Machine Preacher Curls
Machine Hammer Preacher Curls
Machine Isolated Hammer Preacher Curls
EZ Preacher Curls (Narrow Grip)
EZ Preacher Curls (Wide Grip)
Straight Barbell Preacher Curls
Standing Hammer Curls
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls
Standing Alternate Hammer Curls
Standing Alternate DB Curls & Twist
Single Arm Rope Extensions
Single Arm Cable PushDowns
Single Arm Reverse Cable Extensions
Rope Cable Extensions
Straight Bar Cable PushDowns
EZ Bar Cable PushDowns (Close Grip)
EZ Bar Cable PushDowns (Wide Grip)
V Bar Cable PushDowns
Seated Overhead Single Arm DB Extenions
Lying Single Arm Dumbbell Extenions
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions
Seated Overhead EZ Barbell Extensions
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
Seated Overhead Plate Extensions
Lying Plate Extensions
Skull Crushers
Lying EZ Barbell Press (Close Grip)
Bent Knees Bench Dips
Bench Dips
Seated Machine Triceps Dips
Upwards Cable Flys
Horizontal Cable Flys
Decline Cable Flys
Decline Cable Press
Machine Chest Flys
Machine Chest Press
Plate Loaded Chest Press
Machine Incline Chest Press
Incline Plate Loaded Chest Press
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys
Incline Bench Dumbbel Flys
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press
Incline Bench Dumbbell Press
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press & Twist
Flat Bench DB Press (Neutral Grip)
Incline Bench DB Press (Neutral Grip)
Bench Dumbbell PullOvers
Flat Bench Press
Flat Bench Press (Wide Grip)
Incline Bench Press
SMITH Machine Incline Bench Press
SMITH Machine Bench Press
Machine Assisted Dips
Incline Push-Ups
Bent Knees Assisted Push-Ups
Proper Push-Ups
Decline Push-Ups
Lat Pull Downs (V Bar)
Lat Pull Downs (Underhand Grip)
Lat Pull Downs (Wide Grip)
Lat Pull Downs (Single Arm Grip)
Half Kneel Single Arm Cable Pulls
Rope Cable PullOvers
Bar Cable PullOvers
Seated High Rows
Isolated Seated High Rows
Standing Single Arm Cable Rows
Standing Cable Rows
Seated Cable Rows (V Bar)
Seated Cable Rows (Rope)
Seated Cable Rows (Underhand Grip)
Seated Cable Rows (Overhand Grip)
Seated Cable Rows (Single Arm Grip)
Seated Rows (Plate Loaded)
Isolated Seated Rows (Plate Loaded)
Seated Low Rows (Plate Loaded)
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows
Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Bent Over EZ Bar (Overhand Grip)
Bent Over EZ Bar (Underhand Grip)
T-Bar Rows (V Grip)
T-Bar Rows (Wide Grip)
Weighted Hyperextensions
Seated Cable Back Extensions
Good Mornings
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Barbell Deadlifts
Assisted Pull-Ups (Neutral Grip)
Assisted Pull-Ups (Wide Grip)
Assisted Chin-Ups (Underhand Grip)
Pull-Ups (Wide Grip)
Pull-Ups (Neutral Grip)
Isolated Seated Low Rows (Plate Loaded)
Seated Single Arm Side DB Raises
Standing Single Arm Side DB Raises
Seated Single Arm Front DB Raises
Standing Single Arm Front DB Raises
Seated Side Dumbbell Raises
Standing Side Dumbbell Raises
Front Barbell Raises
Seated Side Dumbbell Flys
Standing Side Dumbbell Flys
Seated Side & Front Dumbbell Raises
Standing Side & Front Dumbbell Raises
Side Cable Raises
Rear Side Cable Raises
Single Arm Front Cable Raises
Rope Front Cable Raises
Bar Front Cable Raises
EZ Bar Front Cable Raises
Single Arm Machine Shoulder Press (Wide)
SIngle Arm Machine Shoulder Press (Close)
Machine Shoulder Press (Wide)
Machine Shoulder Press (Reverse)
Machine Shoulder Press (Close)
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press
Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press
Seated Arnold Press
Standing Arnold Press
Seated Overhead Plate Press
Seated EZ Bar Military Press (Wide)
Standing EZ Bar Military Press (Wide)
Seated EZ Bar Military Press (Close)
Standing EZ Bar Military Press (Close)
Seated Overhead Single Arm DB Press
Standing Overhead Single Arm DB Press
Half Kneel Overhead Single Arm DB Press
Single Arm Rear Delts Machine Flys
Rear Delts Machine Flys
Bent Over Dumbbell Flys
Bent Over Cable Extensions
Standing Rear Delts Cable Extensions
Seated Cable High Rope Rows
Single Arm Seated High Rows (Plate Load)
Single Arm Seated Low Rows (Plate Load)
Straight Bar Cable Shrugs
EZ Bar Cable Shrugs (Close Grip)
Seated Dumbbell Shrugs
Standing Side Dumbbell Shrugs
Standing Front Dumbbell Shrugs
Straight Barbell Shrugs
EZ Barbell Shrugs (Wide Grip)
EZ Barbell Shrugs (Close Grip)
Single Arm Dumbbell Swings
Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Press
Dumbbells Squat & Overhead Press
Barbell Squat & Overhead Press
Standing Overhead Plate Press
Seated Military Press
Standing Military Press
Lying Knee Raises
Lying Leg Lifts
Bench Knee Raises
Bench Weighted Knee Raises
Bench Leg Lifts
Captain's Chair Knee Raises
Captain's Chair Weighted Knee Raises
Captain's Chair Leg Lifts
Decline Bench Reverse Crunches
Mountain Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Floor Abdominal Crunches
Floor Abdominal Crunches (Legs Crossed)
Swiss Ball Crunches
Standing Cable Crunches
Kneeling Cable Crunches
Obliques Cable Crunches
Decline Bench Abdominal Crunches
Decline Bench Dumbbell Abs Crunches
Decline Bench Plate Abs Crunches
Upwards Cable Woodchoppers
Horiztonal Cable Woodchoppers
Decline Cable Woodchoppers
Dumbbell Woodchoppers
Plate Woodchoppers
Obliques Extensions
Obliques Weighted Extensions
Air Bike
Bench Crunches
Weighted Planks
Standing Plate Russian Twists
Standing Dumbbell Russian Twists
Decline Bench Russian Twists
Four Point Balance
Leg Extensions
Isolated Leg Extensions
Bodyweight Squats
Dumbbell Squats
Barbell Squats
Plate Squats
SMITH Machine Squats
Swiss Ball Wall Squats
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Squats
Swiss Ball Plate Squats
Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
Plate Reverse Lunges
Bench Step-Ups
Bench Dumbbell Step-Ups
Bench Weighted Step-Ups
Cable Step-Ups
Seated Leg Press (Quads)
Isolated Seated Leg Press (Quads)
Seated Leg Press
Decline Leg Press (Quads)
Isolated Decline Leg Press (Quads)
Hack Squats
Reverse Hack Squats
Seated Leg Curls
Isolated Seated Leg Curls
Lying Leg Curls
Isolated Lying Leg Curls
Isolated Kneeling Leg Curls
Isolated Bodyweight Stiffleg Deadlifts
Dumbbell Stiffleg Deadlifts
Isolated Dumbbell Stiffleg Deadlifts
Barbell Stiffleg Deadlifts
Seated Leg Press (Hamstrings)
Decline Leg Press (Hamstrings)
Stepper Weighted Leg Curls
Isolated Stepper Weighted Leg Curls
Lying Weighted Leg Curls
Isolated Lying Weighted Leg Curls
Isolated Standing Weighted Leg Curls
Sumo Squats
Weighted Sumo Squats
Elevated Sumo Squats
Floor Hip Thrusts (Bridge)
Bench Hip Thrusts
Bench Weighted Hip Thrusts
Floor Hip Abductions
Floor Weighted Hip Abductions
Cable Hip Abductions
Cable Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Cable Glutes Kick-Backs
Machine Hip Abductions
Machine Hip Adductions
Standing Calf Raises
Leg Press Calf Extensions
Floor Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Floor Glutes Kick-Backs
Floor Weighted Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Floor Weighted Glutes Kick-Backs
Stepper Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Stepper Glutes Kick-Backs
Stepper Weighted Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Stepper Weighted Glutes Kick-Backs
Bench Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Bench Gutes Kick-Backs
Bench Weighted Stiffleg Kick-Backs
Bench Weighted Glutes Kick-Backs
BandBiceps Curls
Band Alternate Biceps Curls
Band Double Biceps Curls
Band Single Leg Biceps Curls
Stepper Lying Dumbbell Extensions
Stepper Lying Single Arm DB Extensions
Standing Single Arm Band Rows
Stepper Bent Over Single Arm DB Rows
Band Chest Flys
Band Single Arm Upwards Chest Flys
Band Upwards Chest Flys
Stepper Dumbbell Flys
Stepper Dumbbell Press (Neutral Grip)
Stepper Dumbbell Press
Stepper Single Arm Dumbbell Press
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Flys
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Press (Neutral Grip)
Swiss Ball Dumbbell Press
Swiss Ball Single Arm Dumbbell Press
Band Single Arm Side Raises
Band Side Raises
Band Single Arm Front Raises
Swiss Ball Overhead Dumbbell Press
Band Side Shrugs
Band Front Shrugs
Standing Band Rows
Band PullOvers
Rear Delts Band Flys
Band 'High' Biceps Curls
Normal Treadmil ( Male )
Incline Treadmil ( Male )
Normal Treadmil ( Female )
Incline Treadmil ( Female )
Upright Bike ( Male )
Upright Bike ( Female )
Recumbent Bike ( Male )
Recumbent Bike ( Female )
Rower ( Male )
Rower ( Female )
Stairmaster ( Male )
Stairmaster ( Female )
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